Exactly! Cookie Monster, my hero. I too could eat cookies every day...but that would completely negate the two days a week I exercise. Sigh... Cookies versus properly fitting clothes and health...
Decisions, decisions.....
Decisions, decisions.....
Life's all about balance, right? One dessert a week from the Baking Bible and two days of exercise. Win, win. Thumbs up! (I tried the emoticon, but it just gives question marks, hmmm).
I got super excited when I read the weekly list of recipes and it said "luxury" oatmeal cookies. Ooh, I love oatmeal raisin cookies and the more oatmeal, the better. What's even more special about Rose's recipe is that it has you make granola with maple syrup first.
The granola was pretty easy, but it did take longer to cook than the recipe stated. A few other bakers had the same issue, but I don't think it affects the final cookie. (Keep in mind, I'm baking in a toaster oven right now, so that could be a factor too).
It tastes awesome!! Be careful, you may want to skip the cookies all together once you taste this granola. Love it!
Now, here's where things went a little cattywampus for me...The recipe says mix raisins and chocolate with the granola. What??? Chocolate in my oatmeal...not a fan.
But, I'm trying not to veer from the recipes so I trusted Rose and put it in....now the raisins, I only placed them in half the recipe as my raisin hating family will not eat anything with raisins, even if I offer to bribe them with chocolate shakes! (BTW, that's our 7 year olds favvvvorite drink)
Mixing the dough and granola is easy peasy. Rose recommends pressing the cookie dough balls down before placing in the oven, but I prefer thick chunky cookies. I tried it once, but the cookies looked too flat, so I skipped that step with the rest.
So....the final result. Good cookies. My personal preference would be without chocolate, but raisins and cranberries instead. My family was 50/50 on them. The 7 year old wouldn't even try them. He said oatmeal sounded gross and not good for a cookie!
I will definitely make these again, but sans chocolate. Now the granola, I could eat that alone with yogurt. Rose did good. Maybe the recipe should be called "Luxury Granola." ;)
Now, the kitchen remodel. No new pictures this week, but counters come in a week, appliances in two weeks. Shelves are being installed in my new walk-in pantry tomorrow. So excited to have custom shelves. Also looking for rolling pin holders for the wall...thank goodness for Google.
As always, we can't include the recipes, but you can run out and buy the Baking Bible. The granola alone is worth it!
As always, we can't include the recipes, but you can run out and buy the Baking Bible. The granola alone is worth it!